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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Just Waiting...

Yesterday, I finished the greenware for this next firing.  I am just waiting for pieces to dry.  I hope to fire next Thursday, May 21.

Second shelf - lots of poppies!

I still don't know what to call these "creatures" (raven/rabbits) I have created; perhaps "ravbits"! LOL

This piece is the last one I made and I think I will enter it into the "Black & White with a Splash of Color" art show in September.  

I am thinking of this color scheme:
  • left creature:  black
  • middle creature:  black & white
  • right creature:   white
  • splash of color:  pink inside ears and the "rope" that ties them together
What do you think???


  1. How about 'rabits' or 'rabens'?

    The trio...hmmm...How will you do the black and white...split down the middle or somewhat 'splotchy'? The pink is probably a good 'splash' of color...what shade will you be using? A light pink or something more vivid?

  2. I like "rabens"... I am not sure on the middle figure. I have thought of doing it both ways. It is probably an easier glazing if I split it down the middle, but less interesting. The pink, I am not sure. I have to mix a red and white, and it never quite looks like the fired color, so it is a guessing game.

    Thanks for the input!

  3. I agree, split down the middle is less interesting...a weird merge, where it's like the colors are blending into each other, for me would be interesting but I expect pretty hard to accomplish. When all else fails there's always dots... :)

    And not knowing what the pink will look like, well a bit of a surprise could be fun...maybe. :)

  4. Oh, and I think I meant to type "ravits" not "rabits" (too much like rabbits). :) You could even use both...ravits for one color and rabens for the other. Yes, I am getting a little silly.
